Empowa ISPO Ending Soon (end of epoch 335)
Empowa ISPO Empowa ISPO Ending Soon(end of epoch 335) We are excited to announce that the Empowa Initial Stakepool Offering (ISPO) will be ending at the completion of epoch 335 (1st May, 9.45pm UTC). This means the ISPO will run for a total of 40 epochs. As we near...
Token Generation Event (TGE)
EMP Token Empowa Token Generation Event (TGE) We are pleased to announce that we have successfully minted the $EMP tokens and look forward to starting the process of distributing EMP tokens to our amazing community from the 15th of April! You can find the EMP token...
Marie-Odile Zanders joins Empowa
Team Marie-Odile Zanders joins Empowa Empowa is excited to announce that Marie-Odile Zanders has joined the Empowa team on a full time basis to assist with building in-country partnerships with property developers across Africa. Marie-Odile has extensive global...
Empowa Token Sale Tutorial (2/2) – How to Reserve and Buy EMP?
Please watch the video tutorial and instructions below to learn how to Reserve and Buy EMP! ???? Watch the tutorial here When can I Reserve EMP? The “Reserve EMP” event will occur on the 22nd of January, 2022 at 12pm UTC. At this event you can reserve...