Affordale Housing Developers

Installment sales 
made easy

Designed for affordable housing developers and property managers, our purpose-built software is revolutionizing installment sales housing
operations across both formal and informal markets.

The software to maximise success in installment sales portfolios

Experience the future of installment sales management with Empowa Pay, the all inclusive system designed for affordable housing developers and property managers by offering payment-plan contracts for affordable housing.

Empowa Pay has been developed for both the formal and informal financial market. Empower your team and digitally transform your operations with our comprehensive solution.

Built for the both the formal and informal financial market

Discover the features and benefits that make Empowa Pay the ultimate tool for housing installment sales:

Effortless client management

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Data Integrity and Investment

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Seamless System Integration

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Purpose built Solutions
for installment sales 

Empowa Pay is a purpose-built solution for capturing the full life cycle of an installment sales contract. From capturing an application, to recording an agreement and recording both monthly and ad-hoc payments.

Empowa Pay has the ability to record payment data onto the blockchain allowing a developer to benefit from the immediate traceability, audibility and security of blockchain records. This ensures high quality verified data that can reduce funding risk and open new markets.

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Enabling off-take financing

Empowa is not only providing Empowa Pay as a means to track installment sales performance but also actively creating an ecosystem that promotes the funding of climate-smart affordable housing. By facilitating the collection of crucial market data related to the installment sales concept, Empowa collaborates with partners to secure the necessary capital for off-take financing through our network of investors.

If you are currently involved in the affordable housing sector and meet the specified criteria, we encourage you to contact us to explore how the Empowa ecosystem can potentially offer financial support to your project.

Customer Testimonials

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Thanks to Empowa Pay, we can now accurately capture and validate the demand for our affordable housing offerings in Nigeria. By offering a reliable method to record the performance of our rent-to-own homes, we can establish a solid track record. This track record is essential for accessing capital through the Empowa ecosystem, enabling us to scale our project effectively.” selected_icon=”5″ reviewer_position=”top” img_position=”top” company_url=”” icon_color=”gcid-fe48db14-59cf-4687-b65b-921ea8d7e324″ icon_size=”50px” icon_opacity=”0.2″ image_width=”120px” image_height=”120px” title_bottom_spacing=”10px” review_top_spacing=”20px” _builder_version=”4.21.0″ _module_preset=”default” name_font_size=”30px” title_font=”||||||||” title_text_color=”gcid-64b5960d-867b-455d-8784-5ceeee1d9ba6″ title_font_size=”18px” review_text_color=”gcid-64b5960d-867b-455d-8784-5ceeee1d9ba6″ review_font_size=”16px” background_color=”#FFFFFF” background_enable_color=”on” custom_padding=”25px|50px|25px|50px|true|true” link_option_url_new_window=”on” border_radii_image=”on|200px|200px|200px|200px” border_radii_item=”on|20px|20px|20px|20px” global_colors_info=”{%22gcid-fe48db14-59cf-4687-b65b-921ea8d7e324%22:%91%22icon_color%22%93,%22gcid-64b5960d-867b-455d-8784-5ceeee1d9ba6%22:%91%22title_text_color%22,%22review_text_color%22%93}”][/bapro_testimonial_carousel_child][bapro_testimonial_carousel_child icon_placement=”absolute” icon_position=”left_top” icon_offset_x=”25px” icon_offset_y=”25px” image=”” name=”Richard Bahumwire” title=”Executive Director, Casa Real” testimonial=”
We had been struggling to find a solution that was built for the realities of the Mozambique property market. We were therefore excited to find Empowa Pay and start digitising our business. We are now able to record data from applications to agreements and monthly payments all in one system that understands the informal income that is a reality across Africa.” selected_icon=”5″ reviewer_position=”top” img_position=”top” company_url=”” icon_color=”gcid-fe48db14-59cf-4687-b65b-921ea8d7e324″ icon_size=”50px” icon_opacity=”0.2″ image_width=”120px” image_height=”120px” title_bottom_spacing=”10px” review_top_spacing=”20px” _builder_version=”4.21.0″ _module_preset=”default” name_font_size=”30px” title_font=”||||||||” title_text_color=”gcid-64b5960d-867b-455d-8784-5ceeee1d9ba6″ title_font_size=”18px” review_text_color=”gcid-64b5960d-867b-455d-8784-5ceeee1d9ba6″ review_font_size=”16px” background_color=”#FFFFFF” background_enable_color=”on” custom_padding=”25px|50px|25px|50px|true|true” link_option_url_new_window=”on” border_radii_image=”on|200px|200px|200px|200px” border_radii_item=”on|20px|20px|20px|20px” global_colors_info=”{%22gcid-fe48db14-59cf-4687-b65b-921ea8d7e324%22:%91%22icon_color%22%93,%22gcid-64b5960d-867b-455d-8784-5ceeee1d9ba6%22:%91%22title_text_color%22,%22review_text_color%22%93}”][/bapro_testimonial_carousel_child][/bapro_testimonial_carousel]

Contact us to get started

Do you have questions, want to request a demo, or are interested in how to become a Service Provider? Feel free to reach out to us using our contact form.