It’s been an exciting few months at Empowa as we continue making strides with our Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) project. Since securing Catalyst funding, we’ve been hard at work with the Catalyst team to finalize our funding milestones. While the complexity and size of this groundbreaking project have required extra diligence, we’re pleased to announce that we’re just one approval away from full confirmation. We look forward to sharing these milestones with the Empowa community as soon as they are officially signed off.

Despite the pending approval, the NSE project is already well underway. Here’s a breakdown of the three main workstreams that are progressing simultaneously:

  1. Regulatory Approval
    The reporting and paperwork required for regulatory approval are almost complete, and once all parties sign off, we can share the details with you.  This is a critical step in ensuring the legal foundation for the project is solid and that we can move forward confidently.

  2. Platform Development
    The first phase of the tokenization platform is under development, and we’re on track to deliver some exciting updates. We plan to give you an exclusive sneak peek of this platform in October, where we will highlight how this technology will revolutionize affordable housing and investments within the Kenyan market.

  3. Housing Projects & Funders
    We have initiated discussions with developers and funders, outlining the benefits of the proposed platform. These conversations will lead to due diligence with their respective investment committees.

The NSE project is not just a groundbreaking venture for Empowa, but also a significant step towards transforming housing finance in Kenya. Stay tuned for more detailed updates as we continue to build the future of affordable housing.

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