Cardano Source Podcast

Cardano Source Podcast

Cardano Source Podcast Empowa: DeFi Enabled Affordable Housing in Africa // Cardano Source EP08 In this podcast I talk with Phil Lewis, Co-Founder of Empowa – a unique decentralised property development and digital collectables platform seeking to harness the...
Big Pey interview Empowa

Big Pey interview Empowa

Big Pey interview Empowa Changing the trajectory of Africa with Cardano | Glen from Empowa | The Cardano Aura #18 Thanks to @bigpeyYT for a great discussion on how the trajectory of Africa can be changed by using Cardano to unlock a trillion dollar housing... on Empowa on Empowa on Empowa Aiming to Provide Affordable Housing Solutions Across Africa Click here to read the whole article on...
Cardano Ecosystem by @CardanoSource

Cardano Ecosystem by @CardanoSource

Cardano Ecosystem by Cardano Source Great post from @CardanoSource on Twitter #Cardano Ecosystem ???????????????? $ADAThis is my first attempt at making a full ecosystem graphic like this - let me know if you have any feedback on how I could improve it for v2.0...
Maria Carmo 369

Maria Carmo 369

Maria Carmo 369 Empowa how to solve the problem for affordable houses in Moçambique 10k houses Empowa is a Fund 5 proposal to build a network for affordable houses in Moçambique.Glen the CEO of the project explain to us what he plan to do with the money if his...
Decentralized Identities & NFTs

Decentralized Identities & NFTs

Decentralized Identities NFTs Solutions & Standards | Cardano Live #29 Cardano Catalyst Fund 4 is wrapping up tomorrow June 25th, Empowa Co-Founder Phil Lewis is our guest on Cardano Live to discuss the NFT-DAO initiative, progress and way ahead and a new DARP...